Second Grade

Course Description



Hi Families!
Our Jogathon Fun Run is Friday!!!  Please see the note below from our PTA President:
We are in great need of parents to donate non perishable individually wrapped snacks: boxes of chocolate chip granola bars, bags of individually packaged pretzels or crackers.  We currently only have approximately 200 pieces of granola bars.  No peanuts please!  We no longer need donations of dixie cups.  Thank you for your continuous support!

Vision Screening

Hi Room 9 Families,
Tomorrow is our Vision Screening.  If you child wears glasses, please make sure they wear/bring them to school tomorrow.
We have started our 'Change Over Time' unit in Social Studies.  Ask your child about the House on Maple Street story we read and discussed today. 
In math, we are building multiplication foundations with repeated addition.
We have been getting a lot of pledges for the Jogathon and had pajama/stuffed animal day, Game Time fun, and a popsicle party!  And that's just for today!!!  Tomorrow, students will have lunch with Atomic Ashley and on Friday, they get to pie her in the face!
Thank you for all you do!
Mrs. Chase


Hi Room 9 Families!
The Jogathon is quickly approaching!  Our class has been getting donations already, and has earned several class prizes including Extra Recess, Free Time, a Deluxe Glow in the Dark Dance Party, and on Monday - Pajama/Stuffed Animal Day!
If your child would like to participate, they can wear their PJ's on Monday and bring a smallish stuffed animal to share the day with. (Preferably one that does not make noise). 
They have also won Game Hour.  They will have the choice of playing a sports type game or a board game outside on Monday, as well.  If your child wants to bring a board game, please send have them bring it in a bag on Monday.
Hope to see you on Friday for the Jogathon!  We run at 9:45, but you are welcome to come early to help set up and cheer on the younger students!
Thank you!!
Mrs. Chase


Hi Room 9 Families!
This year is moving so fast already!!!  A quick reminder about homework:
Math Homework goes home almost every night.  If you notice that your child should have math homework in their agenda, and they can't find it, you can print a copy from the Math Login I gave you at Parent Information Night.
Students should be reading daily.
Writing homework (This week is Personal Narrative: a story about themselves) is due on Friday.  Writing Homework should take about an hour per week. If it is a struggle for you and/or them, please contact me and we can modify the homework.  This coming Friday, they will get to choose which writing homework they want to complete.
When you were my age... books were due today.  Please complete them and return them to school tomorrow, if you haven't already. 
Thank you!!
Mrs. Chase

Thank you

Hello Room 9 Families!
Thank you so much for the generous donations to our classroom!  A big thank you to all of the parents who were able to attend the Parent Information Night last week!  It was wonderful to see so many parents here.
Please continue to check and sign your child's agenda nightly.  They are getting into the habit of writing their homework assignments and special events.
Parent conferences start in just a couple of weeks.  Look for the confirmation sheet that will be coming home later this week.  Fill out the bottom form, and return it to class.
Also, Jogathon logins went out this afternoon.  If at all possible, please login this evening to see what is new this year.  The Jogathon will be on Friday, September 29th.  If you are able to help out that day, please contact Dan Diep at [email protected].
Thank you for all you do!
Mrs. Chase